The University of the Aegean (UAegean) was founded in 1984. The University Units are located on six different islands in the Aegean Archipelago (Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Syros, Rhodes and Lemnos), thus making the University of the Aegean a pioneer network university.
The early and full incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies in all aspects of academic and administrative operations and the important research outputs in specific fields of excellence and innovation have transformed this unique network of “academic ports of studies and research” into a dynamic and competitive institution.
The UAegean has received consistently excellent feedback in evaluations that have taken place at national, European and international level, as a result of the study programmes offered by the institution and its competitive research programs.
The Laboratory of Learning Technology and Educational Engineering (LTEE), is a Research and Development laboratory at the School of Humanities, Department of Sciences of Pre-school Education and of Educational Design, University of the Aegean, located in the island of Rhodes in Greece. The LTEE lab was founded in 2000.
The Laboratory focuses on Learning Technology (valorisation of the cognition and the emerged intelligence mechanisms, design, development and implementation of technology-enhanced learning environments) and on Educational Engineering (systemic approach of the variety and complexity of interactions among the learning-teaching situations and the organization models of educational units).