• Here is the first part of the common Shadow Theatre play. It was written by the Greek pupils in Greek and then translated in English.



    (Karagiozis and his kids, Kollitiria enter the scene. They are in front of their  hut which is opposite the sarayi. The traditional Karagiozis music is heard )

    Scene 1

    Karagiozis: Hello boys and girls from Turkey and Greece. Today we’re going to watch the show ”Karagiozis the Scientist”. You are going to have lots of fun. Come on barefoot family.

    Kollitiria: Daddy, daddy we’re hungry. What are we having for lunch today?

    Karagiozis: Rags with egg and lemon sauce.

    Kollitiria: Not again! We’re fed up eating the same dish day after day!


    Scene 2

    Hatziavatis: Good morning Karagiozis. It’s Pasha’s birthday today and he’s inviting you to his party. It’s at 5:30.

    Karagiozis: Oh my God! Are we going to have a meal? Can I take my kids with me?

    Hatziavatis: Pasha said that you can take anyone you want. There’s going to be plenty of food, drinks and lots of fun!

    Karagiozis: Ok Hatzaivati. Tell Pasha we’re coming. My dear kids, Pasha has invited us to his birthday party. We’re going to eat, drink and have lots of fun!

    Kollitiria: Great Daddy! Long live the Pasha!

    Karagiozis: Come on Kollitiria! Put on your newest rag costumes and off we go to the sarayi.


    Scene 3

    (At the sarayi)

    Hatziavatis: My dear Pasha, I’d like you to meet the barefoot family of Karagiozis. Here are Karagiozis and his kids, Kollitiris, Kopritis and Pitsikokos.

    Pasha: Welcome to my sarayi.

    Karagiozis and Kolititria: (Karagiozis and his kids sing the birthday song )

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Pasha, happy birthday to you.

    Pasha: Thank you.

    Hatziavatis: It’s sunny today.

    Pasha: Why is it so hot?

    Karagiozis: Pasha, it’s summertime. We’re close to the sun. Its rays heat the earth

    Kollitiria: and give light.

    Karagiozis: Well-done my kids. You’ve learnt a lot at school.

    Kollitiris: Yes daddy. We learnt about light

    Kopritis: in the eTwinning project

    Pitsikokos: “Light, Shadows and the Shadows Theatre”.

    Pasha: What clever kids!


    Scene 4

    Hatziavatis: What time is it? Where are the other guests? I told them the party is at 5:30.

    Kollitiria: Pasha, this present is for you. It’s a sundial. Let’s go to the garden to see what time it is.

    (In the garden)

    Pasha: It’s 6 o’clock. I hope my guests will come soon.

    Hatziavatis: Let’s go inside and eat something.

    (Inside the sarayi)

    Pasha: What happened? I can see nothing.

    Karagiozis: It’s a black out my Pasha.

    Kollitiria: That’s why we can’t see. It’s dark! There’s no source of light in the room.

    Pasha: Kollitiria, you’re amazing!


    Scene 5

    (The bell rings. Beberuhi and Tuzsuz Deli Bekirare at the door)

    Pasha: Hatziavati bring a torch. Let’s open the door. Wow! I can see now! My goodness! What’s that following me? A ghost?


    (To be continued by the pupils of the Turkish school)