ACTIONS from "Istituto Statale d'Istruzione Superiore ""Bonaldo Stringher"", Italy

  • LILT Race

    GOAL 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

    In our region there is a great sensitivity about deterrence of the tumors, that affect people of different ages.
    We decided to partecipate to "LILT Race" (LILT is an acronym for " Lega Italiana per la lotta contro i tumori", Italian League against cancer) as athletes (five students and two teachers - English and Physical Education) and as a race assistants (one student).
    Our school organized the race for all city schools.The race took place on 9 April at "Parco del Cormor", a city park near our school; 400 people - students and teachers - ran for prevention.
    The race consists in a relay 4x1000 in which various teams take part to remember that keeping fit is an important way of preventing cancer.
    The race is organized to sensitize and inform students on prevention of cancer; in schools are also held experts talks. 

    This is the report on the day of the race...rainy, but fun!

    The race in out school website!


    GOAL 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

    Forty years ago, on 6th May 1976, our region was hit by a disastrous earthquake. During the organization for rescue the first form of civil defence was established. Now Civil Defence (Protezione Civile) is an institution dedicated to the interventions and aid in case of natural events in Italy and abroad, both with its specialized staff and a network of volunteers in the territory. On April 12th 2016 we organized in our school an informational event open to other classes to know and to spread the culture of civil volunteering. Mr.Giorgio Visintini talked about the origins of the organisation and inspired students to experience some Civil Defence activities during Summer Camps, held every year and open to all young people interested in becoming volunteers on the territory. 

    Watch the video about this meeting:




    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

    In the corridors of our school there are containers for separate collection of waste for recycling (paper, plastic, unsorted waste). In most villages or cities where students live, separate collection of waste has already been implemented for several years. However, at school, often litter is not thrown in the right container. In order to improve the collection for recycling by the students and the school staff, our class will prepare posters, signs etc that will be put near the containers. We will take pictures of the containers before and after our action to monitor the efficacy of our signs.