
  • I am anxious when...

    I am anxious when...

    Please, add your ideas how to complete this sentence. You may use a photo, a picture or a drawing or any other creative way to share your feelings.

    I am anxious when...

    I write an important test.
    Ira Kutiuk,Sambir,Ukraine

    I am anxious when...

    I write a test.
    Yaryna Kosman, Sambir,Ukraine

    I'm anxious when...

    I take an exam.
    Iryna Kalakyniak,Sambir,Ukraine

    I am anxious when...

    I speak in public.
    Yulia Mendel,Sambir,Ukraine

    I am anxious when...

    I don't feel good doing a class test.
    Shakira, Germany

    I am anxious when...

    I am anxious when, I dance at competitions and concerts.
    ( Anna Goncharuk, Vinnytsia, school №6 )

    I am anxious when...

    I don't understand my homework.

    I am anxious when...

    When it's not working out.When I do something.

    I am anxious when...

    When i am in a contest of some sort.

    I am anxious when...

    no one replies to my messages.

    I am anxious when...

    I go outside now because of the corona virus.
    Jussef, Germany

    I am anxious when...

    I think about animal cruelty.

    I am anxious when...

    I see a spider.🕷
    Joyce Germany.

    I'm anxious when....

    I'm anxious when i'm talking with strangers

    Maja, Germany

    I am anxious when

    i’m thirsty at night. Sudenur.germany

    I am anxious when

    I'm in a zoom konference.

    I am anxious when...

    I have to go to the toilet at night and when I see spiders

    I am anxious when...

    i am at the beach and something in the water touches my foot.
    Irem, Germany

    I am anxios when...

    I do not understand the tasks in the class test.

    I am anxious when

    i hold a presentation. Elvedina.Germany

    I' m feel anxious when

    I alone at home or, when I think absolut my future

    I am anxious when...

    If i have a horror movie.

    Gülderen Saratli

    I am anxious when I think about my Future because I habe Separation anxiety.

    I am anxion when...

    I`m waiting for something very important
    Olga Zelena