8.- Dissemination

  • Dissemination Activities

    1. Students at IES BOTIKAZAR BHI have explained other students from their school what this project was about. If you want to see the text they used for it, click here
    2. Other students at that school sent a mail to all their teachers also explaining the project. You can read the message here
    3. Another group prepared a message for our parents. The message can be read here
    4. Finally, another group prepared a text for our webpage. This is the text they wrote, and this is our webpage. (It changes constantly, so you can see a picture of it here when it was published, together with the celebration of the World Environment Day - June 5)
    5. Students at IES FERRAN TALLADA wrote a text talking about eTwinning to be published on our webpage. Here  you can see the text and this is the link to our webpage .
    6. Students from IES FERRAN TALLADA prepared a text explaining our project to be displayed on our wellcome screen in the hall. This is the text.
    7. Students and Teachers at MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA...
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    10. This project was presented to about 50 Spanish teachers at a Webinar organized by the Spanish NSS on May 26 ("etwinning en tiempos del COVID19. Mil y una idea de proyectos").You can find information about the webinar, its recording and the presentation that accompanied the Webinar here.
    11. A brief article was uploaded to."Nodes" , a platform depending on the "Departament d'Educació" that shows initiatives concerning European projects. You can find the link here