Student Collaboration - Teamwork

  • Student collaboration tasks

    Our students met and wrote a poem
    Our students met and wrote a poem

    Our students met and wrote an acrostic poem

    Our students met and wrote an acrostic poem

    Thank you for participation:
    - Erzincan Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
    - Mehmetçik ortaokulu
    -100. Yıl Akkent Secondary school
    -Çağlayan İlkokulu
    -Sandıklı Nazmi Topçuoğlu Ortaokulu
    -Derince Hamit Özdağ İmam Hatip ortaokulu
    -14 Eylül Ortaokulu

    Our students met and did som collaborative activities together

    Our students (One student from each school has joined the activity and they worked as a team. They decided the sentences themselves and wrote an acrostic poem using "" padlet page for online collaboration. Some of our partner schools couldn't join us because of covid-19 process- some of them don't have internet access during this process)

    Our collaborative acrostic poem process video

    Each color represent one student or teacher

    Our collaborative poster

    Our students worked together to create a poster. One student from each school joined the activity and added a photo or a quote to the poster. We used "google docs" to create a poster together and we used "canva" to turn it into a poster. Here is our poster.

    Our collaborative poster

    Thank you Ceylin from 14 Eylül Ortaokulu,
    Thank you Emre from Şehit Cengiz Topel Mithatpaşa Ortaokulu
    Thank you Ela and Elif from 100. yıl Akkent Ortaokulu
    Thank you Yaren from Erzincan BİLSEM
    Thank you Ceylin Erzincan Mehmetçik Ortaokulu
    Thank you Fatmanur Sena from Hamit Özdağ İmam Hatip Ortaokulu

    for all wour good work and attendance. You did great job.
    Here is the document of our draft poster.

    Our Students Met in Chatroom and Wrote a Poem With Slogans!

    Our students from the following schools met in chatroom and had the chance of getting to know each other better:
    1. Ali Kuşçu İmam Hatip Secondary School
    2. Erzincan BİLSEM
    3. Sandıklı Nazmi Topçuoğlu Secondary School
    4. 14 Eylül Secondary School

    Our Collaborative Poem with Slogans!

    In our meeting with 4 schools, our students decided together to make a slogan and poem work about our project. Each student from 4 partner schools suggested their slogans and we got a collaborative poem then. Congrats to great students from:
    1. Ali Kuşçu İmam Hatip Secondary School (Zeynep K. and Elif Y.)
    2. Erzincan BİLSEM (Ceylin B.)
    3. Sandıklı Nazmi Topçuoğlu Secondary School (Ayşe Naz. and Yaren G.)
    4. 14 Eylül Secondary School (Ceylin E. and Merve E.)
    You can see their brainstorming work, slogans/verses in a gif in imgflip app.

    Our students decided together about their work!

    Our students decided about what type of activity to do together and in which language together. It was nice to see them collaborate!
    1. Ali Kuşçu İmam Hatip Secondary School (Zeynep K. and Elif Y.)
    2. Erzincan BİLSEM (Ceylin B.)
    3. Sandıklı Nazmi Topçuoğlu Secondary School (Ayşe Naz. and Yaren G.)
    4. 14 Eylül Secondary School (Ceylin E. and Merve E.)

    Our Collaborative Poem Video on Kizoa!

    You can read our students' collaborative poem with slogans in the video. The posters were created in Canva and the video was made in Kizoa.
    Enjoy reading!
    Congrats again to great students from:
    1. Ali Kuşçu İmam Hatip Secondary School (Zeynep K. and Elif Y.)
    2. Erzincan BİLSEM (Ceylin B.)
    3. Sandıklı Nazmi Topçuoğlu Secondary School (Ayşe Naz. and Yaren G.)
    4. 14 Eylül Secondary School (Ceylin E. and Merve E.)