14_European calendar

  • Hello, we have planned to create a European calendar for 2017. Each month will be illustrated by one of your drawings or digital productions about your own country.

    Here are the rules to vote:

    - Each of you (student or teacher) votes for their 2 favourite creations in each country.

    - The most popular creations will be used to represent a month - as we are 5 partners and there are 12 months, if you're calculating, we will only have 10 creations for 12 months ... The two remaining months will be illustrated by the 2 creations which have not won but have almost made it, and have received the most votes, whatever the country ...

    - You can vote as soon as all the pictures are online, and until January 31st.

    - Here is a link to the voting form. It will open in another page, so that you can stay on the subpages to make your votes and vote at the same time ...


    May the best creations win!!!

    One more thing: if we want to have a truthful calendar, we have to know the most important dates in each country (national day, bank holiday ...), so please fill in the dates and what they are associated to in the forums ... Before January 20th would be great!

    January 30th - Voting is over.

    You will find the 12 winners in the different subpages.

    Feel free to leave comments on the forum ...


    And finally ...

    Here is the finished calendar! Well done, every partner school took part in it ... Why not print it? ...