Z _ Communication, feedback and articles about our project



    This is a page in which you can find all the articles (on the internet, in local newspapers, etc ...) about our project.

    February 24th, 2016, France, l'Ardennais (local newspaper):

    February 2016, Collège Pasteur website: http://sepia.ac-reims.fr/clg-vrigne/-wp-/projet-erasmus_2015-2017/

    During the first project meeting in Arnstadt you could find the following articles in our newspaper:


    May 2016 - Journalists also reported on the meeting in France:


    ... and another article about the drawing competition to create our collaborative calendar  (February 2017):

    Two opening ceremonies have taken place, regarding the photo exhibition with our handicapped partners from La Baraudelle, in France. Parents, local authorities and staff were invited: