unser letzter online Treffen: wir analysieren die Ergebnisse unserer Bewertung des Projekts

  • dear Friends,

    this evening, at 18:30 CET,  we will meet for the last time online. With this link you can access our last meeting to say goodbye and to analyse and comment on the results of the project evaluation


    Giovedì, 15 settembre · 6:30 – 8:00PM
    Informazioni per partecipare di Google Meet
    Link alla videochiamata: https://meet.google.com/ync-vzzo-ghc


    neuer link https://meet.google.com/kmy-mnaa-rkh


    see you later 


    here the results:

    leave a short comment  about your experience53 risposte

    It was amazing




    Wonderful experience

    My experience during the mobility in Chania was amazing. I loved the place and getting to know the culture; I also liked the proposed activities.

    It was very helpful and I improved my linguistic skills.

    I liked this experience because I met new people and it was interesting to know more cultures but i would have liked to meet the same people in each country to build a more deep friendship


    it was incredible

    i like it

    I am very happy that I had such an opportunity to visit several European countries and find new friends.

    I think i will remember this project as one of the most exciting school memory. I am so proud and happy to be a part of it

    Thanks to everyone involved in organising this project

    i enjoyed my participation in the erasmus project

    i liked it

    It was interesting to have this wonderful experience.

    I have really enjoyed this project; I met a lot of wonderful people from the other European countries; I like all mobillities that were provided to us; Many thanks to teachers, students

    It was amazing!

    thank you very much!

    I m so happy that i was the part of this project

    Everything was realy great!!

    Germany war sehr schön!! Das Projekt auch

    Schade, dass es vorbei ist!!


    I love Italy, Hungary, Germany and Lithuania


    Es war eine sehr gute Zusammenarbeit und hat uns Spaß gemacht!!

    I love Europe!!!!

    Everything was realy great.

    I hope to meet again all the children! ΚΥΡΙΑ ΕΜΜΑ ΣΑ ΑΓΑΠΑΜΕ ΠΟΛΥ

    It had to be at least 7 days in all 5 countries! It was so nice

    I hope to have again a chance like this!!

    I had a great time with this project and enjoyed to meet people from other countries.

    I met new people and learned about new cultures, people and food. I have still contact with some of the people I met. I like to travell and see the world. Thank you for the chance to do that and for the experiences I‘m having now.

    It was ok but we had to have more money for the mobility!

    Mir hat es sehr gut gefallen!!

    It was the best experience of my life so far

    Ολα ήταν καταπληκτικά, οι συνάδελφοι πολύ καλοί, η εργασίες εξαιρετικές

    Vielen Dank für die schöne Zeit! Das war eine einmalige Erfahrung!

    Ich mache sicher wieder mit!! Dankeschön

    Dankeschön Herr Jens, dankeschön Europa

    I hope i will go again to an Erasmus-Project.

    Thanks a lot to our German-teacher! Vielen Dank Herr

    I enjoyed learning about other Cultures

    Wertvoll waren die Erfahrungen, die ich sammeln konnte in der Zusammenarbeit mit meinen europäischen KollegInnen sowie der Eindruck, den ich mir persönlich vor Ort von den Schulen der Projektpartner und der Arbeit dort machen konnte. Begeistert hat mich die "Leichtigkeit" mit der alle Schüler und Schülerinnen, die am Projekt partizipiert haben, zueinander gefunden haben, sich ausgetauscht, miteinander gelacht, getanzt und gespielt haben, aber auch die Ernsthaftigkeit und Professionalität mit der Sagen und Legenden präsentiert wurden. Phantastisch - trotz der Hindernisse durch die Pandemie.

    It was a great pleasure for me to be part of this project. The Corona pandemic made the work in the project difficult, but the meetings in presence were all the more beautiful!


    It was awesome this Erasmus experience

    good weeks and people, I would do this again

    It has helped me to be more open minded


    It was one of the best experience in my life! I’ll never forget it