11. Global action on Climate Change

  • Climate Change is the defining issue of our time and we are at a defining moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly.



    While reflecting about the 2020 United Nations New Year message, many students claimed for action, young people's action! For them this might be something relatively recent. Most of them follow closely the example given by the young activist Greta Thunberg.

    Well, take a look at the following video.

    As you realized it took place at the Earth Summit, Rio 1992. Was this a surprise for you?


    Where do we stand now? Let's hear António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, calling for global action on climate change (September 2018).

    You are surely familiar with Greta Thunberg's message.


    So, what now? What can we do? What can you do?

  • Do you believe our individual actions might make a difference?
    19 votes (79.17%)
    1 vote (4.17%)
    4 votes (16.67%)
  • Solutions to mitigate climate change


    Many students suggested some solutions while working on how our actions might harm the environment and contribute to climate change. Those solutions will be uploaded to this Twinboard. If you have more ideas please share them here. Don't forget to identify yourself.

    Buy local

    Buying locally instead of buying in large supermarket chains could help the environment and can help curb climate change and its effects a little.
    (Pedro S., AENG, and Ege, EFFL)


    Upcycle your furniture.
    Use recycled materials or repurpose the furniture you already have instead of buying new.
    Buy furniture made with sustainably harvested wood.
    Instead of buying new furniture, change its position and if you need to, buy second hand and then renovate it.
    Reuse furniture supporting local carpenters. This way we also contribute to the local economy.
    (João L., AENG)

    Meat consumption

    Buy locally sourced food, not supporting fast food restaurants, composting leftover food in a backyard in organic matter instead to throw it in the trash, or maybe start to create a garden and eat the food we grow. Or maybe being vegetarian or even vegan.
    Giving yourself proper portion sizes of food can reduce the need for animal products while keeping the body healthy.
    The meat we eat must be produced ecologically, respecting the environmental impacts and the welfare of the animals themselves.
    (Carolina L., AENG)

    Electronic devices

    Unplug the electronic devices when they are fully charged or not in use.
    (Diogo G., João Ö, João P., AENG, Marc M., IES Riu Turia, and Irem B., EFFL)

    Warm houses

    The correct isolation of the houses is the key factor for energy saving. Renewable energies would be the alternative to this problem, as well as responsible consumption.
    As for the heating, we can turn the thermostat down in winter.
    Look for efficient appliances A.
    We can take advantage of sunlight to heat the house.
    By simply turning the heating down a couple of degrees, we are already making a significant contribution to preventing climate change from becoming worse.
    (Luis V., IES Riu Turia)

    Wash and dry clothes

    Wash clothes at low temperatures.
    Dry clothes outdoor.
    (Bruna A., Maria E., Mafalda M., AENG)


    Reuse the plastic bags that we normally throw away when we use them once
    Don't produce as much solid waste as we do with human actions.
    Recycle the garbage correctly.
    (Diego O. and Iván L., IES Riu Turia)

    Light bulbs

    We can save 70% energy by using led bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs.
    (Mehmet T., EFFL, and Izan O., IES Riu Turia)

    Food waste

    Our recommendation for this is to increase the portion option of restaurants, because the amount of food everyone can eat is not the same. Although the served treats are considered as politeness by the restaurants, I think they should be brought by asking the type and amount of the treats. Letfover food should be cleaned from toothpicks and napkins and given to animals.
    (Yaren G. and Azra G, EFFL)