
  • Local newspapers and other media talking about the project

    1st Erasmus+ meeting

    The local newspaper Diariodeleón publishing our new

    1st Erasmus meeting in Cuatro VAlles

    Local press publishes the visit of the Erasmus group to the local action group Cuatro Valles

    Start the project for Bulgarian school - Prof. John Atanasov

    In the NEWS in our regional educational websait


    Let`s be healthy

    Bulgarian lesson about the healthy habits. Advertise Erasmus+ project

    Healthy food

    Bulgarian video lesson in You tube. Advertise the project

    Publication in our school websait

    Information for our project and 1st meeting

    Erasmus project in our school

    The local newspaper L'Eco di Basilicata talks about our project

    Mobility meeting in Spain.05.22

    Erasmus project

    Spanish trip to Bulgaria

    Local press from León talk about our trip to Sofia, Bulgaria

    Last mobility: hosting Bulgarian partners in La Magdalena

    The local newspaper La Nueva Crónica publishes some information about our last mobility and the activities carried out with our Bulgarian partners in CEIP La Biesca.

    Virtual meeting in BG

    Storyjumper book


    Video in You tube

    Final product

    Activities and ideas in Erasmus project: A glance to the future..

    Publication in local press

    Planting trees related with the project A glance to the future...