Activity C4: teachers and pupils visit Spain (June 2022)

  • Activity C4: teachers and pupils visit Spain (June 2022)

    * Dates: 30th May- 3rd June 2022

    * Hosting partner: CEIP La Biesca, La Magdalena, Spain

    * General considerations: This activity means the end of our project. The end of 3 years working together with the aim of make all our educative communities aware of the importance of valuing and respecting our environemt the aim of developing healthy habits in our students, make them responsible and active citizens in society. The aim of creating bonds between countries, and working on the same line and with the same purpose. And also the aim of improving our digital competence and of course our communicative competence too.

    In this activity, CEIP La Biesca, a small school in La Magdalena (León, Spain) hosted during 5 days ten students from 4 Ou Professor John Atanasov (Sofia, Bulgaria), and three teachers.

    The activities during these days have focused on the value of our environment and also the development of healthy habits among our students.

    * Activities:

     Monday 30th May:

    - Official welcoming and traditional dances exhibition.

    -  Guided visit to the school.

    - Traditional percussion and dance workshop.

    - English lesson in a regular class

    - Physical Education lesson.

     Tuesday 31st May:

    - Visit to Murias de Paredes (nearly village) and its museum of Fauna, Flora and traditions in the area.

    - Visit to a restored water mill in Murias.

    - Visit to the river. Check quality of the water with a specialist.

    - Visit to the cows.

    Wednesday 1st June:

    - Workshop: how to germinate seeds for healthy eating.

    - Gynkana.

    - Speech about Spanish Educative System (for teachers).


     Thursday 2nd June:

    - Workshop: "lucha leonesa".

    - Traditional dances workshop.

    - Concert and farewell to the school

    Friday 3rd June:

    - Cultural visits in León (Cathedral, San Isidoro, several parks of the town to see the plants and trees...)


     The methodology has been active, trying to involve the participants. In some activities, only the "Erasmus children" from CEIP La Biesca have participated with the Bulgarian students. In some others, all the school has taken part.

    This way, we can achieve that all our school is benefited from this project, but we also show that is important to take part in these kinds of projects and the imporatnt benefits it has.
    We have also involved local participants of all the area. For example, some people from Biosphere Reserve, that often collaborate with the school, different people from Murias de Paredes (including the mayor), music groups from the area...
    Some parents have also colaborated in the decoration of the school for the welcoming.

    Regarding the integration of the activities with the regular classes, it is important to say that CEIP La Biesca is a small school, with only 42 pupils. This means that the normal pace of classes has changed during this week. Despite of it, we have planned some activities in which only the children participating in the Erasmus project have been involved. Furthermore, the pupils from Bulgaria have attented some classes (English and Physical Education).