Activity C2: teachers and pupils visit Bulgaria (May 2022)


    Activity C2: teachers and pupils visit Bulgaria

    * Date: 9th to 13th March 2022

    * Hosting partner: 4 Prof John Atanasov, Sofia, Bulgaria

    * Activities:

      Monday 9th
    - Official welcoming to the school (with the participation of a dance group and a choir from the school and the welcoming of the principal). 
    - Guided tour through the school (were students can see the difference between a small rural school and a big school in a big city like Sofia).
    - Workshop "Day of Europe": the Erasmus+ students prepared a healthy cake with the flag of the European Union.

    - Theatre: concerning recycling and the different containers, since one of the objectives of this project is to build solutions about problems in our environment.. 
    - Walk to Druzhba lake: connected with the objective of "value our environment and heritage".

    Tuesday 10th  
    - Visit to Ecopack centre: with activities about recycling and a visit to a real recycling chain where students had the opportunity of see how garbage is classified.

    - Physical Education competition: promoting healthy habits and social cohesion.
    - Visit to an English lesson in the school, since one of the objectives in the project is to "improve communication using the English language with our European partners". 
    - Games with the Erasmus+ students, which helps us foster cohesion and friendship. 

    - Workshop "drawing our environment" with a teacher from the school.

    Wednesday 11th
    - Excursion to mountain Vitosha and outside games. A very interesting activity which helped students know the environment sorrounding the city of Sofia. 

    - Visit to International Bells (dedicated to all the children in  the world, this is a space that calls for fratenity and peace). 

    Thursday 12th
    - Present the Bulgarian educative system.
    - Traditional dance workshop, totally connected with the objectives of developing cohesion, valuing our cultural heritage and also promoting healthy habits.
    - Visit to a Spanish lesson.
    - Perfomance from 3rd graders "Kingdoms of emotions": connected with healthy habits, which appeal not only to our bodies but also to our minds.

    - Outdoor games

    Friday 13th
    - Visit to the Botanic Garden

    - Visit to the Paleontological Museum.

    There were many persons participating in the activities. The 4 OU Prof John Atanasov School involved not only the Erasmus+ students travelling abroad, but a big number of students (students choir and a dance group, two class groups going to Vitosha Mountain, students that guided the visitants each day through the school, students in the English and Spanish lessons...) They also involved local participants, such as the bus driver, staff from Ecopack centre, actors performing in the theatre, many teachers from the school... This way, the project has a real impact in the area.