Traditional dishes (1st Term 2021/2022)



    In our project, we care for the nature, and we also care for healthy habits!!!

    Nutrition is important, and we want to share some recipes of our fantastic Mediterranean culture. Here they are!

    Here is these delicious recipe from Italy, served with some reflections about enviroment. ; )
    One of the most representative recipes from Spain. Healthy and nutritious, but not the easiest one to make.
    One of the traditional healthy foods in Greece is olive bread.The recipe is simple and the ingredients simple as well.The students of Kindergatren Karyas show olive bread.


    1 package dry yeast

    1 cup warm water

    1 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon oregano

    1/2 cup olive oil Olives

    3 cups flour

    Directions: First, we stir the water and the yeast in a large bowl. We beat well by hand and then we add the salt, the oregano, the olives and the oil. Then we add the flour and we mix them all together. Cover with a clean towel and allow to raise in a warm place for 45 minutes. Preheat over to 400 degrees and then we put it in the oven and bake it for almost half an hour! Good luck!




    1 package of pie crusts

    3 eggs

    400 g of yogurt

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    300 g of cheese

    ½ tea cup of oil


    Pour the soda into the yogurt and stir.

    Beat the eggs and crushe the cheese is in them.

    Mix both of them and add the oil.

    Grease the tray with oil. Place about 2 tablespoons of the mixture on each crust and roll it into a roll. Put the roll in a shape of a snail and so crust after crust until the whole tray is filled.

    Bake for about 30 minutes at 220 degrees.


    Write Christmas wishes on pieces of paper, roll them up and stick them on top.

    Cut and let everyone take a piece with a wish. Have fun!