First Transnational Meeting
Spain (Gijón) October 22nd 2015
The TIPS Project has two transnational meetings, each at the beginning of the school year. A transnational meeting is a one day workshop where coordinators from the four partner schools prepare the project activities and mobilities for the current year. As it was the first visit to Gijón to all of the partners the most important things were How do I get to the Hotel? and the Meeting Agenda:
One of the most important things we do is present our schools to the other teachers. As we will be working together for the following two years, it ¡s very important we get to know each other. Take a look at the four schools that take part in the TIPS Project:
Among the many things that were discussed (see agenda for more info) we took special care on the TIPS Guides, they will be the most important outcome of the project, so the Spanish Team showed the other partners a template for a TIPS Guide and some initial ideas on what the agenda for the Spanish Workshop could be like:
Finally, after everything was said and done, we had a brief glimpse of the TIPS Workshop for the January mobility and ended the meeting producing the Meeting Minutes agreed upon by all coordinators and signing them:
It was a lot of work! But we also had time to tour the city and the Corazón de María School ( Here are some pictures:

The event was disseminated through social media:
The results of the Satisfaction Survey (ENSAT) that evaluated the overall satisfaction of the teachers coordinators of the project with the meeting can be seen in the following document: