01 Initial Activities

  • Initial Activities

    September-October 2015


    Each partner school should start the project activities as follows:

    1. Define the teachers and students participating in the two years of the project: A coordinating teacher, two assistant teachers and a reference group with 21 students. Since the project revolves around the CTIM materials and English is the language of communication of the same, it is recommended that an assistant teacher belongs to a Seminar of the Foreign Languages.

    2. Publicize the project to the educational community: The management of the school, or the person to whom it delegates, will take advantage of the cloisters and meetings with families at the beginning of the academic year 2015-2016 to disseminate the project. The families of the students who are part of the reference group will have an additional meeting to give more details of the project and what it means to be a part of it.
    3. In September 2015 the coordinating school will create the eTwinning project "TIPS - Teaching Innovative Practices in STEM" with another partner. Each coordinating teacher should familiarize himself with the eTwinning and TwinSpace environments and create the profiles of his / her reference class (so that the students can do the initial activities)
    4. Contact the National Agency to know the administrative procedures through which you can use the financing, what documentation you must keep and for how long. In the four schools that form the association, the Administration of each center will be responsible for managing the project budget, creating an accounting code that will allow to identify all the expenses attributable to the project within the general accounting of the center. The Administration of each center will also keep the documentation, storing the original invoices in their files.