•          The Local Girls Volleyball Championship was held in my school on 17th May 2015. It was a one-day event in  which our Sienkiewicz High School team battled for a victory with another high school team from Szydłowiec. Twelve schoolgirls from various classes struggled to beat their opponents in two sets. Our team showed a great heart and determination in the second set which they with our RE teacher priest Norbert among others won 25:21. Both teams were guided by their PE teachers and supported by an amazing audience among whom was our religious education teacher. He seemed to be the most excited about the match. He was cheering so loud that everyone was forced to support our schoolgirls team. After the win, the team from Sienkiewicz was delighted and so were we taking pride in our school team.

    Author: Weronika Kasprzyk kl. 2c