General objectives: 

    1. To improve the quality of school institution/ methods by fostering the participation and democratization of daily school management, stimulating the protagonism of students, and networking with European partners.

    2. To Increase students' awareness of Europe and democracy, reinforcing their sense of European identity and enlightening them on the value of European civilization, the defense of the principles of democracy, social justice, and respect for human rights. 

    3. To Boost responsible citizenship for participation in the community, country, and EU's social and economic development.


    Other objecives

    1. To know the European Parliaments in Brussels and Strasbourg: composition, organization and functioning, its role in democratic life. Democratic democracy. MEPs meet in plenary.  EU Youth Initiatives: Euro school.

    2. To be conscious of the Greek origins of democracy.

    3. To be aware of the common history of Europe: 70 years of peace, an achievement of the cooperation and unity of Europeans within the EU. Remembering past, living present, projecting future.

    3. To encourage active collaborative work to learn to listen and contribute ideas.

    4. To improve digital competencies using collaborative and novel digital tools.

    5. To place adolescents in a real communicative situation with their peers in collaborative work and videoconferences.

    6. To meet the educational center and the environment in which the foreign partners live.




    - Social and civic competence

    - Cultural expression and awareness (artistic) 

    - Linguistic competence (written and oral) 

    - Learning to learn competence

    - Digital competence



    - History 

    - Latin 

    - Greek

    - Psychology

    - Drawing