• Holocaust Memorial Day to remember victims of crudelity and nazism.

    2021, 27th January

    Schools Europe Clubs students and teachers have created symbols of jews and minorities persecution. This activity is part of +Participatory Democracy, +Active Citizenship Erasmus+ project collaborative workshops.


    Students reflections: 

    The Erasmus + project "More Participatory Democracy, More Active Citizenship" is associated with the celebrations of the International Day in Memory of Victims of the Holocaust because:

    • The Holocaust was the most brutal demonstration of human hatred and cruelty in history (Ana Carolina Alves, AECCB-PT).

    • The Holocaust was the biggest human rights violation that our history has ever seen, fueled by the hatred and contempt of minorities (Bernardo Oliveira, AECCB-PT).

    • The Holocaust was a failure for humanity as a whole. We must know history, so as not to allow tragedies like this to happen again. Remember the past to build the future. (Margarida Cunha, AECCB-PT).

    • The holocaust was an attempt to rob people of their beliefs and convictions, annihilating any individual who differed from the Aryan ideal. (Beatriz Silva, AECCB-PT).

    • The Holocaust is proof that the human being is capable of everything. (Diogo Martins, AECCB-PT).

    • The Holocaust, the worst mistake that ever happened to humanity, hatred, injustice, slavery and death. (Tiago Osório, AECCB-PT).

    • The Holocaust exposed the danger behind the rise of nationalisms and far-right movements, allowing us to know how far someone can go in the name of hatred. (Bernardo Oliveira, AECCB-PT).

    • The Holocaust was a serious attack on human dignity, culminating in atrocious acts, which demonstrate a revolting barbarism and disrespect for the most basic human rights: life, equality, freedom, personal security, health, family, education. (all of us-AECCB-PT).

    • Through the Holocaust, human beings have inflicted cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment on other human beings, subjecting them to deprivation, humiliation, violence, torture and death. (all of us, AECCB-PT).

    • In denying the holocaust, we are denying the suffering and death of millions. (Diogo Martins-AECCB-PT).

    • Human dignity, right to life, right to human integrity, prohibition of torture, slavery and or inhuman or degrading punishment, right to freedom, respect for privacy, freedom of thought, religion and expression. None of these basic human rights survived the Holocaust. May we remember this before we let anyone think that one race is superior to another in this world. (Margarida Passos da Cunha, AECCB-PT).

    MAGAZINE with collaborative work of students of the three schools. 


    2022, 27th January

    For the 2nd year students and teachers of the 3 schools remembered victims of cruelty and barbarie.