In this Coronavirus Period....

  • Because of the spreading of the virus we had to cancell our meetings on site and we have decided to give new life to our project stating some activities:

    1- Chat for students on 14th April to give them the chance to share their feelings and moods in this hard period; they will agree about a song to sing together during an online meeting,too

    2-On line meeting to sing together on 29Th April- postponed

    3- In the following TwinBoard the students will upload tutorials about  simple recipes so that their partners can cook them

    To share some more in this coronavirus period have a look at the following short video about Myrtis, a girl in ancient Athens: she was one the thousands of victims in a notorious pandemic that hit Athens...

    Myrtis talking about a...pandemic!

  • Our recipes

    Tiramisù della nonna

    Martino Naclerio


    Serrapica Concetta

    Flatbread with ham and mozzarella cheese

    La Mura Valentina

    Butterbeer from Harry Potter

    Lorenzo Gargiulo

    Cake with chocolate chips !

    Rosamaria Milo

    Cream pie

    Margherita Naclerio 1C tt


    Antonietta Carolei

    Pane in carrozza A. Del Sorbo 1C TT

    A different way to taste bread

    Nutella roll Somma Sara e Donnarumma Chiara 1C TT

    Two girls have worked together at distance


    De Stefano Maria


    Guadagno Francesco

    Pie .....

    Annalisa pistol


    Dimitris Delipapas

    An apple pie! A totally ancient recipe ....

    By Christina & Nefeli

    An apple pie! A totally ancient recipe ....

    By Christina & Nefeli

    Cake of biscuits