• In this page the students will upload their logos  according to these rules:

    1) in the subpage ITALY, the Italian students will upload their logos and will vote for  their two  best ones

    2) in the subpage GREECE, the Greek students will upload theirs and will vote for their two best ones. 

    Feel free to use the tool you like best to create your logos and to vote it in the sub-page.

    Make sure that the following elements are involved in your creation:

    1. The project TITLE
    2. The names of both schools/ countries/towns
    3. An artful point of view
    4. Characteristic or iconic picture(s)

    You can use Web tools you already know or want to explore!

    Within the 30th November   the  4 logos - 2 Greek  ones and 2 Italian ones- chosen by the students will be uploaded in this page and then voted by 30 students - who are not involved in the project - using the poll



    Learn about copyright and use free pictures coming from eg.


    Dear partners, as there are two winning  Italian logos with 17 votes, I would ask  to 5 Greek teachers to choose the best one giving an objective comment. In this way we will be able to upload the winning logos before Christmas holidays. So choose between logo n.1 and logo n.3



    LOGO n.1
    LOGO n.2
    LOGO n.3
    The best Italian Logos

    Italian students ( who aren't in the project) voted the best logos. The winning logo got 10 votes and two of them got 5 votes.

    LOGO n.4

    The White Tower and Mt Vesuvius are depicted in the circle of the main eTwinning logo to symbolize the two regions and the co-operation of the two schools.

    LOGO n.5

    This drawing shows famous places from both Pompeii and Thessaloniki. On the left, Pompeii's ruins and Mt Vesuvius. On the right, Galerius' arch and the church of St George. The blue line on the "ground" connects all these places. It is used to represent the common axis upon which we all work, let it be the program, the cultures, whatever!

    The best Greek Logos

    Greek eTwinners voted for the two best logos. The winning logo got 11 votes and the second one 7 votes.

    LOGO N.1
    18 votes (27.69%)
    LOGO N.2
    6 votes (9.23%)
    LOGO N.3
    21 votes (32.31%)
    LOGO N.4
    10 votes (15.38%)
    LOGO N.5
    10 votes (15.38%)