Our project

  • About the project:

    Pippi Longstocking is a carachter made up by the author Astrid Lindgren. This year Pippi is turning 70 and I would like to honor her with a project. She, a doll, will be sent to different schools in Europe and join a class for two weeks. The class will help her to make a diary using different tools of ICT (PPT, Word, film etc). The main goals are writing and reading.


    To introduce reading and writing for young students in an easy going way.
    To improve ICT skills (PPT, Word, film).

    Work proces:

    A Pippi doll will be going on a Europe tour for 8-10 months and visit different partner schools. Each partner school will keep the doll for two weeks. With help from the students Pippi will report her experiences through different ICT tools. Through the project the students get a chance to practice reading and writing, as well as learning how to use different ICT tools. The students will also get to know how other schools in Europe work and looks like.

    expected results:

    Students will be able to write short texts.
    Students will be able to read short texts.
    Students will increase their knowledge of ICT.
    Students will increase their knowledge of other countries.







    1. Online Pippi’s diary

    /pictures, drawings,stories...)/

    - Pippi with/in your class;

    - Pippi with the real book in your native language or in some activities in your class;

    - Pippi in your school and town.

    1. Real Pippi’s lexicon

    Please, ask your pupils write letter or create birthday card with wishes for Pippi in your native language;  draw her face or some special moment from Pippi’s stories.

    Please, scan all your materials and put in the twinspace. Thank you.

    Final results:

    • e- Pippi’s diary;

    • real and e- Pippi’s lexicon;

    • suitcase with small presents from different countries.