
  • October: 
    Introduction to project — students watch informative videos with their teachers, so they know what the project is about. They search for other ones to post on Twinspace.
    Introductions to each other — students post introductory videos and messages on Twinspace;

    In national groups, students watch the public service announcements and posters from humanrights.com:
    In international groups, students study about one particular human right affecting their own country/area and make collaborative presentations/ebooks/videos/forums to teach about their chosen human right;

    Students make quizzes and games to test the comprehension of their before-chosen human right;
    Students give feedback on each other’s work;

    Students make digital stories about an inspiring human rights activist of their choice to show their peers who will then give them feedback.  
    Making of final product, closing of project and project feedback.


    The main objectives of the project are;

    1- to create a safe area where students could meet international peers and become a part of global community using as the vehicle for communication

    2- to improve problem solving skills and better understand of Human Rights and its sub headings

    3- to develop an understanding of other people's lives,experiences,ideas and beliefs

    4- to become competent users of ICT tools

    5- to larn to express themselves online and learn how to collaborate intentionally and share information