Assignment five (April)

  • Upload your YouTube video, Google Slides, e-book, Sway, board game, poster, PowerPoint, Prezi, PechaKucha etc. here

    poster 1rst junior high school of Markopoulo

    sustanable life

    we recycle, 1rst juniod high school of Markopoulo

    act recycling

    1rst junior high school of Markopoulo, recycling in our class

    we made a meeting in our class by Frene paedagogical methode and we decide to recycle plastic, paper, bateries, aluminium in our class. We made a presentation of recycling and poster

    1rst junior high school of Markopoulo, recycling

    we decide recycling to protect our wild animals, sea turtles from polution and plastic polution

    VII. grammar school against plastic standard in food industry
    Second-hand exchange

    We began to exchange our unwanted items to save buying new ones

    Stavrou Olga A5, 1rst junior high school of Markpoulo, Athens, Greece

    We decide to use less and recycle

    we think earth day

    we talk about ways to be sustainable and I paint a bee, because I think that we should care about them, 1rst junior high school of Markopoulo, Athens, Greece

    paint a poster about climate change

    we paint a poster about pollution, 1rst junior high school of Markopoulo, Athens, Greece

    Biodaversity, 1rst junior high school of Markopoulo, Greece

    On earth day we talked about biodaversity and way to be more sustainable