Reports from communication

  •  On this page we will post messages from joint communications: online meetings via Messenger, custom letter creations, etc.

    - please, make sure that pairs of partner school have their posts under each other. thanks.

    1.Drawing chat Rudnany /Gniezno 16.11.2019 

    We got to know friends from Gniezno, what they like: what fruit they like, what sport they enjoy, what gift they most enjoy ....
    Our pupils and friends from Poland managed it perfectly.


    2. SZS Bánovce nad Bebravou, Slovakia - Gniezno

    Letters for ours friends - Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 6, Świetlica, ul Żwirki i Wigury 22

    62-200 Gniezno 









    Rudňany, Slovakia

    Post letters for our friends are ready. 

    Now we are waiting for an answer:o)

    3.Rudňany, Slovakia - SZS Bánovce nad Bebravou, Slovakia

    Our letters



    4.Rudňany, Slovakia - Mustafa Ayşe Altun İlkokulu, Turkey


    Our letters



    5.Rudňany, Slovakia - Anka Kowalska: Przedszkole nr 14 "Muzyczna Kraina", Poland 

    Our letters



    6. Mustafa Ayşe Altun,  Turkey- Rudnany, Slovakia




    7. Letters from Poland to our friends from Ukrajina - Lidia Shpyley