In this page you will add your good news after being at home.It can be done in groups, individual, pairs....and it can be a picture with a short text, a video, a song, a poem, a short story .....
We learn to take care of others!
During humans confinement silence becomes a noise can hear birds singing.This audio was recorded from my window. Birds are happy ..NOW they are free.Human beings don´t disturb them.
COVID 19 #Stay at homeGood news from my window.I have recorded birds singing happily (Humans are at home...)Reflection about how noise damage animal life....
Ruth Rosales 3ºBIES.Bañaderos
PLASTIC FREE TURTLESThis is what would happen if humans didn't exist to throw plastics into the sea. It's a beautiful image, in which the turtles are free swimming in their home, without having any type of plastic on their stomachs or necks. If we all collaborate in a better world, this could be possible. Let's help by the sea without plastic!
With this drawing I want to represent the bad face of the ocean and the good face. On the bad side, we see a lot of garbage: glass, bottles, plastics, car wheels ...And on the good face we see types of fish, sharks, shells, starfish ...Thanks to the covid 19, human activity has had to be stopped, we have noticed how animals approach us.Now we will do our best to repair the damage we have caused to the sea and obtain a clean ocean again, but this can only be achieved if all people work together.We can do it!!!
Good news from my windowDespite everything, we can enjoy the colors of spring
Despite the fact of being at home, I would say that it is getting easier to manage now that we can get out during certain schedules.I'm glad that from my window I can see vegetation and the San Cristoban mountain, not only can I enjoy the views, but also hear some of the birds that come and go there.
I think that the thing that I've enjoyed the most during this lockdown has been being able to finally bond with my neighbours and become good friends. Usually, I don't talk to them and now that I didn't have any other thing to do I feel like I should have done this before. I believe that, when the quarantine is over, I would go out with a lot more friends.
By Mara from I.E.S Julio Caro Baroja.
Despite the fact of being at home, I think that we are helping the enviroment. Now there are less plastic than before so the pollution has been reduce.
One of the first effects of confinement and cutting activity has been the reduction of pollution worldwide. In Spanish cities, pollution is at "all-time lows," according to Greenpeace. The fight against climate change can move forward and the stars are visible again in the sky.
Although confinement can be tragic and boring for us, it could be said that it is a respite for planet Earth.Now everything is much calmer and more greener than before.Apart from this, there is much less pollution than there was before.
The environment is better thanks to this.
Being confined at home has been beneficial for the environment, as pollution has lessen and it has been noticeable with the appearance of animals in countries were because of pollution, they hadn't appeared in years.
There is not as much pollution as before and the weather is usually good, everything looks cleaner than before the quarantine
The good thing about this is that there is less pollution on the planet, and we can better observe the sky in the day and on starry nights
The fact of being at home make me learned that the life isn't just eating ,working and slipping it more than that.From my window I can se that it's not just us who benefited things from this tragedy , The Planet as well. we can see that the pollution isn't as before .
Thanks to the quarantine I have seen that the planet has been the greatest victim of this citation since many animals are seen to walk freely without fear and to reduce contamination
From my point of view, quarantine does not help the environment. What the quarantine does is to hold and compel these people to refuse in the area of littering the streets. When this is done, trash and other harmful waste will again have an effect on ecosystems and the environment. So, when you leave home, recycle, reduce and reuse as a responsible person who cares about his environment and the living things around him…
Despite the situation we have had to live through, we have not been so bad or at least not, since before you could not go out at all but now you can go out and it is when you are best, but you have to go out to the street with caution and respecting the new regulations so that more people do not get infected. I don't know how the others will be but now is when I'm better
Some of the things I noticed while I was at home are less waste outside, less air, water and soil pollution.In the normal period, wastes and fuels from the ships were illegally poured into the Bosphorus.Therefore, thanks to waste, its normal color was dark blue. However, due to COVID-19, there was no ship traffic and waste, so its color was turquoise.The disappearance of these problems revealed another news. Dolphins were seen in the Bosphorus.This news was a great joy for Istanbul.
We may not have added much to ourselves during our stay at home, but I can say that we have improved on how we should behave in these situations. Apart from that, it made me really happy to see that nature is gradually purified from the harms of people.
Covid-19 has helped us improve and it has made us stronger. During this quarantine, we have been more united than ever because, staying at home was what made this situation more bearable.
I learned to grow new plants at home because I was very bored in quarantine. Also the sky is clear and very beautiful. Stay home ...
Covid-19 positively affected nature. Reducing traffic on the roads and stopping flights has greatly affected air pollution. Stopping sea voyages reduced sea pollution. Animals appeared where there were crowded streets. Nature started to renew itself.
Our environment was positively affected in this covid-19 process. Environment and nature had the opportunity to renew and return to its core in this process. Pollution in seas is expected to decrease after covid-19.According to experts ,will increase the number and diversity of fish in the sea in turkey in the coming period.Some fish species leave the seas, but are said to come back in this process.
While I was on quarantine I thought about how lucky we are to have these beautiful landscapes and this wonderful nature. I've heard that the pollution has reduced these months we were stuck at home. I don't know if it's true but I think we shouldn't come back to the old normality, we should create a new one. One in which we are more conscious of how awesome is our world and in which we take care of it. Because I don't think before this happened we were aware of what we had.
Despite not being able to go out, I think we are on great conditions, specially our planet, which is healing from all the contamination we caused, I hope we can soon visit the beach in summer and keep everything clean at the same time.
Nature has entered a phase of forced rehabilitation due to confinement. That the jungles expand and the skies are cleared, the highways empty
The planet, the main beneficiary of the coronavirus.Closed factories, empty highways, deserted streets ... are pictures that are repeated throughout the world as the coronavirus pandemic inexorably advances. The abrupt halt of human activities has, paradoxically, a great beneficiary: the environment. The decrease in the number of trips in motor vehicles, the decrease in industrial production and consumption translates into less pollution, cleaner waters and clearer skies. From China to Venice, Barcelona or Madrid, these are some of the positive side effects of the health crisis.
After quarantine, contmination has diminished, even asa, if we do everything the same way when we all go out on the street again, the emission values that we generate were exactly the same as they were and therefore what we should do is to become aware and change our routines and h. To make a positive contribution to our environment and the air quality of our cities.