First Dumbledore message:
Activities of the month:
1 Diagrama Gantt oct 2020.pdf
Second video conference with partners. It was a pleasure see you all!!
Minutes 2 1 oct 20.pdf
Arrival of the first letter from Dumbledore in Spain
Transforming our school into Hogwarts (Spain)
Teachers ´s transformation (Spain)
Arrival of the first letter from Dumbledore in Greece
Made by the students of the 5th grade of the 5th Primary School of Korydallos
After all the selection process I present you our Rawenclaw students.
After all the selection process I present you our Hufflepuff students.
After all the selection process I present you our Slytheryn students.
After all the selection process I present you our Gryffindor students.
Do you know who arrived to our class?
Our students spread the news of the returning of Voldemort.La Gaviota, Spain.
Erasmus corner