ETG Rules

  • Goal

    To gain Open Badges by taking Quizzes and Challenges so as to self-assess, acquire and develop basic skills and 8 key competences in the following Categories: English Foreign Language, German Foreign Language, French Foreign Language, Spanish language, History and geography, European History, EU institutions, Mathematics, Economy, Music, Art and crafts. 
    The 8 key competences that are fundamental for each individual in a knowledge-based society are:

    1. Communicating in a mother tongue: ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions both orally and in writing.
    2. Communicating in a foreign language: as above, but includes mediation skills (i.e. summarising, paraphrasing, interpreting or translating) and intercultural understanding.
    3. Mathematical, scientific and technological competence:sound mastery of numeracy, an understanding of the natural world and an ability to apply knowledge and technology to perceived human needs (such as medicine, transport or communication).
    4. Digital competence: confident and critical usage of information and communications technology for work, leisure and communication.
    5. Learning to learn: ability to effectively manage one’s own learning, either individually or in groups.
    6. Social and civic competences: ability to participate effectively and constructively in one’s social and working life and engage in active and democratic participation, especially in increasingly diverse societies.
    7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship: ability to turn ideas into action through creativity, innovation and risk taking as well as ability to plan and manage projects.
    8. Cultural awareness and expression: ability to appreciate the creative importance of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media such as music, literature and visual and performing arts.

    Number of Players

    From 2 students to an unlimited number of students (the more students, the more they learn).


    During a class, 2 classes, 3 classes... a full school day, school days, Erasmus Days... In several rounds during Virtual School Exchanges or face-to-face School Exchanges. Adaptable to your timetables and school year calendars. As the Challenges are limited in time (from 1 minute to 15 minutes), they can also be planned during breaktimes. The Challenges can be played in an asynchronous mode thoughout the school year as well. 

    September Europe Days of Languages Challenges
    October Erasmus Days Challenge
    November Makeup Challenge
    December Christmas Challenges
    January Heritage Challenges
    February GDPR Challenge
    March STEM Challenges
    April Media Literacy and Disinformation Challenges
    May Europe Day Challenges
    June Solidarity Challenge



    Adaptable to a classroom, school hall and school yard environment.

    Team Building - Online meeting version with School teams vs School teams

    Before the Online meeting, the students form their groups by country and choose a team name. In order to recognize the nationalities the team names could be words from their national languages followed by the postal abbreviations for country names (e.g. FI FR LT PL SP). Allow 5 minutes to the students to form their teams by using the following worksheet.

    ETG Team Building School teams vs School teams.pdf

    ETG Team Building School teams vs School teams - Teacher notes.pdf

    How to play - Online meeting version with School teams vs School teams

    The teachers need to find a common time slot in their timetables. One teacher administrator books the Online meeting on the TwinSpace or on another videoconferencing tool. Only the teachers administrators can access the Online meeting on the TwnSpace. One teacher administrator has to share his/her screen to enable every student to play the same Quizzes at the same time. 

    NOTE: In order to avoid echoes and too loud noise, the microphones of the teachers's computers should be muted while playing the Quizzes at the same time. Instead use the chat to communicate.  

    Start the game by alphabetical (e.g. Finland, France, Lithuania, Poland and Spain) and numerical order (i.e. Number 1 - Station Europe). A school throws a dice to reach a Destinationbut before reaching the Destination the students of this school have to guess or calculate what distance band separates the two capitals. For example, to start the game from Number 1 - Station Europe in Brussels (Belgium) to the Destination designated by the dice (e.g. Number 4 - Destination Lithuania) or from the last country reached (e.g. Number 4 - Destination Lithuania) to another Destination (e.g. Number 2 - Destination Finland). Since all the teams travel altogether across Europe only 1 school item as pawn is necessary to move over a map of Europe to follow their journey.

    If the school teams from a school guess it right they choose a Quiz available and related to the Destination in order to compete with the other teams and gain Open Badges. The teacher sharing his/her screen chooses the team mode to play the Quizzes. 
    If the students do not guess the distance band right the teachers choose a Challenge that can be performed online to the school teams who failed in guessing the distance band. If the latter execute the Challenge successfully they are allowed to choose a Quiz available and related to the Destination and win Open Badges. If the latter do not manage to execute the Challenge successfully they give their turn to other school teams by 
    alphabetical order. If any school teams from every country do not manage to execute the Challenge successfully the teachers choose the Quiz for the Destination reached.
    If the Number of the Destination is the same as before the students can choose to play a Quiz or a Challenge.
    With the results of the Quiz the school team in first place on the podium wins Open Badges and has the privilege to throw the dice for travelling to another Destination.
    After several rounds if no more Quizzes are available the school teams have to perform a Challenge successfully to get the right to throw the dice again.

    NOTE: A school cannot choose and play the Quizzes made on their own countries. The Quizzes and Challenges played cannot be chosen a second time. Native speakers in English, French, German and Spanish cannot play the Quizzes for these languages. If they are part of a school team they will have to stand away from their teams during the Quizzes. 

    ETG Rules - Virtual School Exchange School teams vs School teams.pdf


    How to play - Online meeting version with Player vs Player

    Due to the Covid-19 outbreak a Player vs Player version was devised in order to adapt the Europa Triva Game rules to the sanitary conditions.

    NOTE: No team building is required since the students compete against each other individually.

    Before starting the Europa Trivia Game, every student needs a device. In order for the teachers to identify the students, they have to use at least their first names and eventually their family names in case of namesakes. In order for the participants to recognize the nationalities of the students, the latter should add the postal abbreviations for country names (e.g. FI FR LT PL SP) before their first names (e.g. FR_Laurence). 

    The teachers need to find a common time slot in their timetables. One teacher administrator books the Online meeting on the TwinSpace or on another videoconferencing tool. Only the teachers administrators can access the Online meeting on the TwnSpace. One teacher administrator has to share his/her screen to enable every student to play the same Quizzes at the same time. 

    NOTE: In order to avoid echoes and too loud noise, the microphones of the teachers's computers should be muted while playing the Quizzes at the same time. Instead use the chat to communicate.  

    Start the game by alphabetical (e.g. Finland, France, Lithuania, Poland and Spain) and numerical order (i.e. Number 1 - Station Europe). A student from a school throws a dice to reach a Destinationbut before reaching the Destination the student of this school has to guess or calculate what distance band separates the two capitals. For example, to start the game from Number 1 - Station Europe in Brussels (Belgium) to the Destination designated by the dice (e.g. Number 4 - Destination Lithuania) or from the last country reached (e.g. Number 4 - Destination Lithuania) to another Destination (e.g. Number 2 - Destination Finland). Since all the students travel altogether across Europe only 1 school item as pawn is necessary to move over a map of Europe to follow their journey.

    If a student from a school guesses it right he/she chooses a Quiz available and related to the Destination in order to compete with the other students and gain Open Badges. The teacher sharing his/her screen chooses the Player vs Player mode to play the Quizzes. 
    If the student does not guess the distance band right the teachers choose a Challenge that can be performed online to the student who failed in guessing the distance band. If the latter executes the Challenge successfully he/she is allowed to choose a Quiz available and related to the Destination and wins Open Badges. If the latter does not manage to execute the Challenge successfully he/she gives his/her turn to another student from another school by 
    alphabetical order. If any student from every country does not manage to execute the Challenge successfully the teachers choose the Quiz for the Destination reached.
    If the Number of the Destination is the same as before the student can choose to play a Quiz or a Challenge.
    With the results of the Quiz the student in first place on the podium wins Open Badges and has the privilege to throw the dice for travelling to another Destination.
    After several rounds if no more Quizzes are available the student has to perform a Challenge successfully to get the right to throw the dice again.

    NOTE: A student cannot choose and play the Quizzes made on his/her own countries. The Quizzes and Challenges played cannot be chosen a second time. Native speakers in English, French, German and Spanish cannot play the Quizzes for these languages. 

    ETG Rules - Virtual School Exchange with Player vs Player.pdf


    Team Building - School Exchange version

    Before and/or during the School Exchange, the students form their groups and choose a team name. 

    ETG Team Building School Exchanges.pdf

    ETG Team Building School Exchanges - Teacher notes.pdf

    Once the teams introduced themselves by using the ETG Team Building School Exchanges worksheet the teachers choose the order of the teams for throwing a dice. A student of a team throws a dice to reach a Destinationbut before reaching the Destination the students of this team have to guess or calculate what distance band separates the two capitals. For example, to start the game from Number 1 - Station Europe in Brussels (Belgium) to the Destination designated by the dice (e.g. Number 4 - Destination Lithuania) or from the last country reached (e.g. Number 4 - Destination Lithuania) to another Destination (e.g. Number 2 - Destination Finland). Since the teams travel in different groups across Europe remember the last Destination they reached if you organize different sessions during the School Exchange. 

    If the teammates guess it right the teammates choose a Quiz available and related to the Destination in order to compete with the other teams and gain Open Badges.
    If the teammates do not guess the distance band right the teachers choose a Challenge that can be performed with the equipment available by giving the choice of the level to the teammates who failed in guessing the distance band. If the latter execute the Challenge successfully they are allowed to choose a Quiz available and related to the Destination and win Open Badges. If the latter do not manage to execute the Challenge successfully the team gives their turn to another team
    . If any team does not manage to execute the Challenge successfully the teachers choose the Quiz for the Destination reached.
    If the Number of the Destination is the same as before the teammates can choose to play a Quiz or a Challenge.
    With the results of the Quiz the team in first place on the podium wins Open Badges and has the privilege to throw the dice for travelling to another Destination.
    After several rounds if no more Quizzes are available the teammates have to perform a Challenge successfully to get the right to throw the dice again.

    NOTE: The Quizzes and Challenges played cannot be chosen a second time. Teammates cannot play the Quizzes made on their own countries. Native speakers in English, French, German and Spanish cannot play the Quizzes for these languages. If they are part of a team they will have to stand away from their teams during the Quizzes. 

    ETG Rules - School Exchanges.pdf


    Distance bands

    Before reaching a Destination the students have to guess or calculate what distance band separates the two capital cities.  

    The distance bands to choose from are:

    • 10 and 99 KM
    • between 100 and 499 KM
    • between 500 and 1999 KM
    • between 2000 and 2999 KM
    • between 3000 and 3999 KM
    • between 4000 and 7999 KM
    • 8000 KM or more.