III Transnational Meeting in Oneşti, Romania


    Our third Transnational Meeting and second short-term exchange of pupils in Oneşti, Romania, on nutrition, healthy habits, sports and cultural heritage took place physically between 9 January 2022 (arrival day) and 15 January (departure day). However the Italian delegation could not participate physically due to the alarming increase of Covid-19 Omicron cases in Italy. Members of the Italian delegation had family members in lockdown because of the pandemics and students’ families were frightened and did not allow their children to travel to Romania not only in Italy but also in Spain. While in Romania the number of cases had been under control during the Christmas period, in the rest of participating countries the numbers were escalating dramatically. Italy participated online from 10 to 14 January 2022. 

    In spite of the long journey till Onesti and the sanitary and safety measures to travel safely, all the teams were so happy and hopeful to meet again face-to-face and share the best of their cultures, countries and themselves. We were given such a warm welcome by the Romanian team and the atmosphere was so cheerful at “Petru Poni” Technological School in Oneşti that the freezing temperatures outside were counterbalanced easily.

    You’ll find a detailed report on the meeting on our Erasmus TV International Magazine and website with the testimonials of teachers and students. This is the short film "Following Dracula's Steps" we shot during the meeting.