Collaborative stories

  • "Collaborative storytelling involves a group where one writer starts the story and others keep on adding threads to it, and thus the story evolves. The imagination of the community gives a digital story a path one wouldn't have thought of at the start."


    Dear students,

    Your peers from Jordan have written a story about the importance of sports. Please read  and then act this in any way you prefer :-) 

    Sport and health

    Ahmed and Ayman are friends since childhood. They spent many years together, and even after school at the university, they remained friends. One day, they were in their lecture at the university and suddenly Ayman started to feel pain in his foot .

     Ahmed: What is wrong with you, Ayman?

     Ayman: I feel very pain, I don't think I can complete the lecture.

     Ahmad: Well let's get out of here.

     Ahmed and Ayman came out of the lecture as they walked out:

     Ahmad: Have you ever had this pain, Ayman?

    Ayman: Yes, it has been repeated for a while.

     Ahmed: And why didn't you go to the doctor?

     Ayman: I think it's an accident and it will be gone soon, don't worry.

     Ahmed: No, Ayman, you have to go to the doctor to check on you.

     Ayman: Well, I will go now. see you tomorrow.

     Ayman went to the doctor and waited a little while his turn came and when he entered, Doctor: Hi Ayman, what are you suffering from?

     Ayman: I have been suffering from pain in my feet and tiredness in my body from a while ago, and I thought at first that it was normal, but I see it getting worse.

     Doctor: Okay I will write some blood tests for you now, you should do it and then come back to check on your health.

     Ayman went out to the laboratory for tests. After he performed it, he waited a little while to obtain the results and returned it to the doctor. When the doctor saw the results and examined them:

     Ayman: Is there anything doctor?

     Doctor: Rest assured, there is nothing bad, but I would like to ask you about something. Ayman: Alright.

     Doctor: Do you do any sports exercises, Ayman?

     Ayman: Actually no.

     Doctor: I expected that, because there is nothing in your tests.

     Ayman: So what is the problem?

     Doctor: All that you suffer from is laziness in your joints as a result of severe lack of movement, and this is bad for those of your age, because your lack of movement may affect your health in general in the future, and you will then have to take treatment sessions and medications that you are indispensable to and you can solve the problem since Its beginning. Ayman: And does exercise to this degree affect the body?

    Doctor: Of course, Ayman, let me tell you a little bit about the importance of sports.

     Ayman : of course!

     Doctor: Well, you should keep playing sports that stimulate blood circulation in your body and give you greater immunity, as well as maintaining a healthy body building, and you will not need much health care and medications when you get old because your body will maintain its strength and health.

     Ayman: Well, I did not know that exercise has all this effect on the body, thank you doctor and I promise you that I will stick to exercise from today.



    Upload your work here:

    Tunisian Team 

    Physical education teachers in my school are involved in healthy generations project and choose to make our students fit and healthy by organizing some traditional sports games between teachers and students in the schoolyard (Game Tug,Seven stones,the relay game,..) to entertain them and to close the relationship between teacher and student…



    audio version of the story


    comic version of the story


    scratch presentation version of the story



    The Jordanians  team has started a story...Could you please continue it? You can find it in the materials' page-->files: collaborative story...Enjoy!!

    James is a young man in his twenties, but he is distinguished from other young people by his healthy lifestyle. He is committed to daily exercise, in addition to that he avoids everything that is harmful to health and does not eat anything but healthy food to avoid any health problems. On the other hand, we have James's younger brother Mike, who acts exactly the opposite of James, as he suffers from obesity due to lack of exercise and eating foods that harm his health frequently and constantly. But over time James can change Mike's life for the better



    The Greek team invited her partners to continue a dialogue about "How nutrition affects environment and vice versa". You can access the document with this story in materials-->files "How nutrition affects environment and vice versa"

    Teacher: Dear students, today we're going to focus on how our nutrition affects our environment and how the climate change affects our food.

    Antonis: Climate change impacts nutrition through decreased food quantity and access, decreased dietary diversity, and decreased food nutritional content.

    Poly: Yes, but scientists say that food production including growing crops, raising livestock, fishing and transporting all that food to our plates is responsible for 30% of total global greenhouse gas emissions.

    Teacher: Both of you are right, but let's go our conversation step by step...How do you think that our choices affect the environment?


    You can find our collaborative stories here:  

    Use the given code and join to write...



    here is our final e-book



    Healthy Lifestyle

    One day the teacher and students came out to play football, But Samer didn't want to play because he is overweight, and he cannot run. The teacher asked Samer'' Is something wrong with you?'' Samer said'' No, but I'm a little tired''. And After the session ends. The teacher sat with Samer and asked him to read about the benefits of sports. Samer went back to home and opened the computer and he searched for the causes that lead to obesity and how to treat it. one of the reasons was eating a lot of candy. And he saw that he eats a lot of candy. Then he decided to stop eating candy and exercise every day.
    The author: Sadeen Qwasmeh
    6th grade

    playing sports helps our brain grow and makes it work better.

    Studies have shown that exercise increases blood flow to the brain and helps the body build more connections between nerves, leading to increased concentration, enhanced memory, stimulated creativity, and better-developed problem solving skills...... SPORTS ACTIVITIES BY Tunisian Students