6. LISTENING (November)

  • 1. Listening with Lyricstraining 

    ***First sign up the website: https://lyricstraining.com/sign_up

    A quick introduction for Lyricstraining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez6t1F70H7w or


    How to play and learn with LyricsTraining.com, a website where you can do listening exercises, and have fun with your favorite songs and artists! :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1haWynJZ40

    You can download the lyricstraining app to your phone as well.

    ***Second please propose us a song that we can use in lyricstraining from this link: https://answergarden.ch/1043861  According to the mostly suggested song we will start our challenge and give the detailed challenge link and explanation.


    2. Jawbreakers and Mixed Words with Quizlet (COMMON WORK)

    This will be our common product so first sign up to Quizlet from here : https://quizlet.com/ 
    Second participate our GPE Challengers group: https://quizlet.com/join/UtZk6as7j 

    Then click our game Jawbreakers and Mixed Words in the group or click here: https://quizlet.com/_7f9knk 

    After that click the pencil button to add jawbreakers(words difficult to pronounce) and mixed words,you can and one or two words. Please don't forget to take photos of your students while adding the words.

    Finally, when we finished preparing our game we can play it with our students from this link: https://quizlet.com/_7f9knk You can find the games on the left coloumn when you click the game.There are different types of games but the most important one for us is Listen-Write part. Our students will listen the word and write it. We will share our photos while playing it.

    3. Spelling Challenge

    We will organize webinars with partner schools and play spelling bee game or another games about words difficult and mixed to pronounce. You can write your avaliable days and hours to the forum page 'Spelling Challenge Webinar' and we will match the schools. The forum page link is here: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/91747/forum/93646 We will use the words of Quizlet game that we created commonly in this webinars.

    4. Forum discussion Groups

    We created 4 mixed groups with Random Team Generator and give a research tasks for this groups about 4 skills. Every group will discuss and share opinions about this tasks. The teachers can create threads and the students of them answers. You can see the teams here: