5. READING (October)

  • 1. You will design logos with your students and choose one of them to add in our tricider link:


    2. Students will introduce themselves in Flipgrid. They can put on masks or glasses provided in the app to keep their privacy if they desire. The details like username are here:


    3. You will add your students' photos while reading at cultural places at your city. If this is not possible now, you can try using greenscreen apps for that. Here is the twinboard for the photos.


    4. You can either choose Kahoot Challenge or Actionbound or you can try both. The challenges will be about country flags. So, to remind the students about the flags and countries, we will design a simple e-book on StoryJumper. More details coming soon!

    5. Every school will present some of their works about our project on their bulletin boards. You can share their photos in this twinboard:



    6. We will decide on a time for our first webinar with teachers. The date and time will be announced as soon as possible.


    7. To disseminate our project, you can share your works in places like school websites, social media acounts and etc. You can share their links here:
