Digital Language Games, primary school Vasa Carapic, Belgrade, Serbia


    Fun way to practice English skills


    Here are some photos from our English lessons in January 2020. We called them Digital language games.

    There is a computer and Internet / wi-fi connection in the English classroom, which is very useful for improving digital competencies of the students and practicing English at the same time.

    The classes that made these games are V-1 and V-2 (11-year-olds). The classes that used the games are V-1, V-2, VII-2, VII-3, VIII-1, VIII-2, VIII-3. Students made games for learning English for each other, which makes them even more useful.

    The Games lasted for three lessons, but will continue to be used by many other students.

    In lesson 1 – Preparation, the teacher grouped  students in threes or fours. Each group needed one course book, and each student needed his/her notebook and a pen. Then the groups chose one of the exercise forms the teacher presented them: a crossword, a word search, a memory game, matching pairs, tumbled word order. Then they chose the appropriate material for their selected exercise form from Module 3, i.e. they made a list of words, phrases and sentences. Each student wrote the same in their notebooks.

    In lesson 2 – Creating games, the students inserted their material into the pre-made forms on (on teacher’s account). They divided the work load among themselves. When they finish editing, the site offers a link and QR code for easy access to the exercise. One student in the class scanns the QR code and sends the link to all the other students to the class Viber group. They open the link and play the games.

    In lesson 3 – Playing games, the students play the games made by the peers in their class and by their friends in the other class of grade five. The games were also enjoyed and played by other classes of grades five, seven and eight.

    The content of the games is based on Module 3 of the course book RIGHT ON 1 by Express Publishing.

    Here are a few links to their exercises, so you can enjoy them, too:


    Maja Hadžić, English teacher