Earth Day 2020

  • Earth Day activities during homeschooling

    Earth Day Song 2020

    A simple Earth Day song for children

    Suggestions from home (Yi Xin)

    1. Demonstration in the balcony for protection of nature.
    2. Celebrate Earth Day with the family
    3. Do a better use of plastic.
    4. Learn about the 3Rs.
    5. Use the back of paper, re-use it.

    Adrián D.

    I suggest:
    1. Designing banners to display from windows.
    2. Shout from the windows: Stop pollution!
    3. Draw things we like from school.
    4. Dress in green.
    5. Create and sing a song.


    I suggest:
    1. Dancing
    2. Singing
    3. Playing video games
    4. Playing with your pet.
    5. Do some excercise.


    1. Shout "stop pollution" from the balcony.
    2. Make banner with COVID19
    3. Create cups, dishes and servilletes with COVID19.

    Hugo S.

    1. Create a song.
    2. Sing from the window.
    3. Create a banner or image to put on the window.
    4. Give pictures away to people who are working.
    5. Make lanterns with biodegradable rice paper.


    1. Wear our Green Kids outfits (green cover and masks from last year)
    2. Shout "stop pollution" through our videocall.
    3. When COVID 19 is over, demonstrate in the school playground against pollution.


    1. Demonstration in Jitsi Meet.
    2. Send an audio to my "school at home":
    3. Or send audio through email.
    4. Wear special at home and shout: "Green Kids, stop pollution!"


    1. We could display a banner from the window saying "save the planet" or "stop pollution".
    2. Recycle at home.
    3. Grow vegetables and buy less.
    4. By Km0 products (local)
    5. Record a video with a message to sensibilize people.


    1. Talk to the family about how to stop pollution.
    2. Ask our family to recycle.
    3. Ask people not to throw rubbish in the sea.
    4. Make a banner to display in the balcony.
    5. Stop pollution.


    1. Make a video to be sent to Class Dojo.
    2. Create a comic.
    3. Create a short movie.
    4. Demonstrate as "Green Kids" in the balconies.
    5. Videocall.

    DDS Mondragone Terzo

    Our students have created a video about Earth Day. They managed to record their voices to give suggestions to protect the Earth and to make every day Earth Day! Special thanks to teachers Maria Tartaglia and Andreana De Pascale for helping our students during homeschooling.

    Irene G.
    Adrián G.
    Alessia - Roamania Save the Planet

    To be sure that aur Planet will be always happy we must plant a lot o trees

    Marc- Romania- We have to recycle

    To be happy on our planet we must reduce consumeâ
    we have to reuse
    we must recycle

    Maria - Romania- Happy planet

    A happy Planet is a Green one

    Yanis - Romania- Planet is in our hand

    keep it clean
    make it happy
    make it smile

    Theia - Romania - we can save it together
    Ioana - Romania Be happy my Planet

    Stop pollution!
    Clean it!
    Plant trees!
    Reduce consume!

    Miruna, Romania - with love for my house

    Our Planet must be beautifus as a buterfly!

    Rebeca - Romania -

    Be clean -be happy

    Ioan, Romania Earth is our tresure

    We have the power to save our Planet!

    Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    Inspired by the book Earth Day Every Day, some students made creative drawings and shared their Save the Earth messages.

    Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    Here's the activity I have recently created for my Class 4 students in Edpuzzle. Students need to answer some comprehension questions to watch the rest of the read aloud story about Earth Day.