Eager Beaver 3, idioms

  • Eager Beavers 3 will share their idioms here to be drawn by their international team members.

    Spanish Eager Beavers 3

    Have eyes in the back of your head

    Italian Eager Beavers 3

    To have a green thumb

    English Eager Beaver 3

    Speak of the devil

    Spanish Eager Beavers 3

    To have a green thumb

    Serbian Eager Beavers 3

    Have a whale of a time

    Italian Eager Beavers 3 (DDS Mondragone 3°)

    Have a whale of time

    Italian Eager Beavers 3(DDS Mondragone 3°)

    Have eyes in the back of your head

    Italian Eager Beavers (DDS Mondragone 3°)

    Speak of the devil

    Spanish Eager Beavers 3

    Speak of the Devil

    Spanish Eager Beavers 3

    Have a whale of a time

    Serbian Eager Beavers

    To have a green thumb

    Serbian Eager Beavers

    Have eyes in the back of your head

    Romanian Eager Beavers 3

    Have eyes in the back of your head

    Romanian Eager Beavers 3

    Speak of the devil

    Romanian Eager Beavers 3

    Have a whale of time

    Romanian Eager Beavers 2

    Speak of the devil

    Romanian Eager Beavers 3

    Speak of the devil