Dear partners, we will upload our creative extrawork to this page, the kind of work which is not required in order to comply with a specific task of the project, but which we did with creativity and enthusiasm.
Word cloud
Animal Friends
Teddy and Marga from Spain
Ștefan Lucica-Caransebeș , Roumania
3rd Primary School of Pallini
Fani Karaoli - Pallini Greece
Pallini - Greece
Our Project Poster
Arda 5H class
Deniz 5 H
Deniz 5H class
My student Kerem work
my student Ceylin's work
My student Ömers work
Deniz kayhan
BY: Arda Turan Ergün
My names Elif İpek I m Ten years old I m from Türkiye THEY ARE NOT ONLY ANİMALS BUT OUR MOST LOYAL FRİEND
Onlar sadece sokak hayvanı değil bizim en yakın arkadaşlarımız
Onlar sadece sokak hayvanı değil onlar bizim en yakin dostlarımızdir
By Ömer Arda
By Şiringül
By İrem
By Kerem
Bir köpeğin dostluğu, bir dostun yapacağı köpeklikten daha degerlidir.
Şehitler Ortaokulu Elçin saygın
Adile Afra ÇOPUR 5/H martyrs secondary school
By Ömer
My name is Emine
Lozova Secondary School # 12our creative works in Word Art
Lozova Secondary School # 12our work in Word Art
Lozova Secondary School # 12It was our brainstorming on the topic of the project
Natalia Kuts, 10Specialized School 8, SambirUkraine
Our beloved pets
Pets in our life
Made by Alexia Tabacaru!
Made by Bianca Stancu!
Made by Ana Maria Drug!
Why are bees more important than people?
Ceren logo
Nehir banner
elanur logo
23 Nisan Kaptanoğlu Primary School
Forse is very friendly dog. She is Paipillon species.
animal ebook
By Halilcan
By Ceylin
We are animal friends
Extrawork activity: playing a game at the English lesson "In the Animal World"