1.2 Project Calendar

  • Dear partners, this is the calendar of our project.


    1) September: schools and teachers presentation, logo contest.

    Students play a kahoot game  in order to learn the rules to follow when you meet an abandoned animal. These rules will be useful all over the year, as students will be asked to " do a good deed for an animal in need".

    Introducing the TwinSpace to the students and teaching them how to use its tools for communication and collaboration.

    2) October-December: we create a mind map with the names of several animals. Students choose the animals they want to include  in the ebook. 

    We prepare a table to divide pupils into transnational groups. 

    Students work in groups, each group on a different animal, searching for all kind of information and investigate about the rights and problems of animal in their country. We make a collaborative book which contains a section for each animal, and this section is completed with information from different countries (e.g. Dogs, Cats... in Europe). A final section is dedicated to the legal issues about animals in each country involved.

    3) January-February: students visit a kennel, a centre for animals or other facilities. They interview an expert, vet or other operator. We make a twinboard with the videos of the visit.

    4) March- May: students design their idea of a town animal-friendly, using texts, drawings, posters and other. They make a documentary to share their ideas.

    Each class draws our motto " ANIMAL = FRIEND". We upload the photos of the drawings to a Twinboard.  However, schools can get the plaque as " Animal-Friendly Schools" and they are allowed to display the label in the classroom, corridor or outside the school only if students will present in the documentary some good deeds to animals they really did.

    As Nancy brilliantly said, we can title this part of the documentary using the motto: " Do a good deed for an animal in need".