0.6.- Our Web Tools

  • Our Web Tools 

    - Timeline, Befunky, Canva, Padlet, Animator, Platagon, Voki, Quick, Pixiz, Powtoon, Photofnia, Story Jumper. Madmagz, Bookcreator, Google slayts and documents, Voki, Animator, Bietable, Google form, Triceder, Survey monkey.

    - Momentcam, Scoompa, Inshot, Photogrid, Videoshow, Poster my wall, Google my map, Ourboox, ZaplyCode, Biug, Flaming text.

    - For free music in your compositions uses free music from the YouTube Audio Library.

    - For your works you can use free images in PIXABAY.

    Free image in Pixabay