Day 3


    Before the documentary trip to PISA, Partners  have carried out the following activities according to the coordination meeting programme:
    1. Dissemination and impact products. The coordination for this will be done online. Coordinator partner will send partners a date to have all of them ready. But until  3rd June, everything must be almost finished to be checked, including the final report. Regarding this, some Partners mentioned they have already done some activities of dissemination, sharing the best practices with Partners from other Erasmus +  KA2 and KA1 projects such as Jobshadowing activities.
    2. Documentary trip to Pisa  where Partners explored the learning and inspiring possibilities  (cultural and future school field visits).

    11/04/2019 (Thursday) – Documentary trip to Rome COORDINATION MEETING:PROGRAMME
    Before the documentary trip to Rome, Partners carried out the last activities according to the coordination meeting programme: 
    1. The evaluation of transnational project meeting 2. The Italian team prepared and shared activity worksheets for project evaluation. 
    2. The future development and implementation  which will be done  online by all partners. 
    3. Documentary trip to Rome where Partners explored the learning and inspiring possibilities  (cultural and future school field visits).
    Certificates of attendance were provided to all partners at the end of this TPM2. Additionally there were presents exchange as a sign of good relationships developed during the project’s life. Partners concluded it was an excellent partnership with outstanding achievements both for students and teachers. Furthermore they were professional yet personal and committed to the tasks of the projects  contributing for their institutions/schools success and assuring the sustainability of  the project through dissemination practices.