Project Plan

  • Greetings from Europe! - Postcard Exchange and Map

    Europe has such a rich cultural heritage and it should be celebrated within our classrooms. The best way to learn about our European countries is exchanging colourful postcards, showing everyone their country's cultural heritage (monuments, festivities, etc) with shorts notes as to what they are and what they mean.

    The aim of this project is to send/receive as many postcards as possible to create a colorful European map where we can showcase all the postcards received in a special corner of our school. We hope to have our map ready by April. Progress of our work will be posted through pictures on Twinspace.


    - Mobilizing cultural, scientific and technological knowledge to understand the world around us and to approach situations and problems of our daily life;

    - Doing activities in an autonomous, responsible and creative way whilst cooperating with others in common tasks and projects;

    - Using languages from different cultural, scientific and technological areas adequately to expre-ss oneself, especially through the use of images, gestures, sounds, illustrations or diagrams;

    - Mobilizing linguistic and paralinguistic resources in verbal interaction, in

    the reception and production of oral and written texts, having in sight adequate performances in communicative situations;

    - Using mother and foreign languages to communicate in daily situations, gathering knowledge and structuring self-awareness and European awareness;

    Work process:

    1. Discuss project and which topics of cultural heritage to feature on postcards.
    2. Familiarize students with the countries that are participating in the project.
    3. Prepare postcards through various materials.
    4. Post the Postcards according to the addresses given.
    5. Set up of the Map where the postcards should be displayed.

    In this project, we ask our partners to work together on sending postcards showing aspects of their cultural heritage they wish to share (monuments, traditions, food, etc). They can use ready-made postcards or create their own using pictures or drawings.

    Progress of work will be posted on Twinspace. Partners and students are responsible for gathering information, writing postcards, sending them by post and setting up a small corner to display what they receive. Pupils should be involved in the whole process as teachers guide and aid them.

    The numbers of postcards sent is up to each partner. Ideally 2/3 postcards per group/class should be sent to each partner showing the different aspects of their cultural heritage (one about a monument, another with images of food).

    A document of all the addresses from partner schools will be available on Twinspace for postage purposes.