Welcome to the Project

  • Welcome to the Project

    Greetings from Europe!

    Welcome to the Twinspace dedicated to showcasing our Postcards and Maps.

    The aim of this project is to celebrate our cultural heritage by sharing information, drawings, pictures, videos or songs about our town and our country, and by using English as the common language of communication between all partner schools.

    In making our postcards we are reflecting about what us so different and yet so similar in our cultural heritage. In creating/setting up our maps we are allowing our students to travel to distant countries without leaving the comfort of their own classrooms.

    We hope this project brings us all together in celebrating our traditions and values, our monuments and food, as well as our art and our people. We also hope to make this project a success locally, nationally and at a European level.

    Our project is divided into five parts, which we hope they don’t take up too much time! These pages will serve as a guideline as to what is expected to be done and who is involved Besides that, these pages will serve as a canvas where all partner school can show their progress in this project.

    The pages are organised in the following way:

    1. Information about Project and Partners will contain information about what this project is about and its deadlines (Project Plan and Project Calendar), as well as contain information about who and where the partners are (Partner Schools and Partner Addresses).
    2. Partners introduce themselves will contain information about each partner school. Teachers are free to edit the page in order to feature texts, pictures and videos of the progress of the project.
    3. Project set up will contain information on how the project will be organized in terms of work progress. It is also divided into four steps which partners can use as a guideline during this project. Firstly there is the first approach to the project and ideas as to how to gather information for the postcards (First steps and Working on postcards), then there is a page where directions about mailing and setting up the maps in given (Posting and Mapping).
    4. Dissemination of project will contain information and pictures as to how the project was publicised at each partner school.
    5. Project assessment will contain information as to how the partners and those involved felt during this project. It will feature posts, comments and a questionnaire to reflect upon the effectiveness of the project.