What does healthy lifestyle mean for you?

  • Armenia, Artashat N2 school

    A collaborative poster was made by Polish, Italian and French students showing what the project means to them.

    Here's a Padlet where all the students can share their opinion about healthy lifestyle. By double click on the padlet board you add the space to write. Let's see how the students perceive healthy lifestyle.

    Today we talked about healthy lifestyle in Poland. Definitely my students are aware that healthy lifestyle is important and that they should eat and drink healthy and practise sport.

     We also watched a video about soda drinks and their bad influence on us. Maybe you also want to see the video?


    We decided that water is what we should drink. Next time we'll make a project presenting the amount of sugar in the drinks.

    More than 10 spoons of sugar is hidden in Cola!!

    Kuba knows that drinking water is a good choice.

    70% of our brain is water - did you know that?