Song 6 Information, Webinar and Allocated Lines

  • The final webinar released Song 5, How Far I'll Go, and had teachers speak about the various collaborative projects that they had been involved in.  One final song was released for teachers rather than the students to allow the teachers to experience what it is like to be a learner and participator in a collaborative song.

    Below is the collaborative padlet page for teachers to share their thoughts and resources on the webinar:

    THE FINAL SONG: Teachers Song 

    The final song is to give teachers an opportuntiy to experience what it is like to be part of the collaborative video.  Sharon chose the song 'I'm Gonna Be (500 miles) due to thinking about the journey that everyone has gone on during this project where we have always been together.

    The lines of the songs are here.


    1.  Make it lively and fun.

    2.  Film outside if possible.

    3.  Do some takes for the Da Da Da part

    4.  Try and do the whole chorus for the end part.

    Mike's video as the correct speed is HERE - this is the one I need you to use when recording.

    The SLOW version is HERE to help you practise.  Do NOT use this when you record.