Song 1 Information, Webinar and Allocated Lines

  • The idea for this project came from Sharon Tonner Saunders a lecturer from Dundee University and eTwinning/British Council Ambassador who wanted to create a fully inclusive project for pupils of all abilities that involved her love of music.

    "Hands of the world" was born - pupils across Europe would use the Makaton sign language to sign words of popular songs.

    As soon as the project was announced there was immense interest from across Europe and the wider world. 

    Sharon had the task of selecting teachers both from outside and within the eTwinning community whose pupils would join in the project. 

    It was decided that the project would be co-founded with fellow eTwinning/British Council Ambassador Ruth Sanders an additional learning needs teacher from South Wales. 

    A webinar was held on Wednesday 17th January to explain how the project would work and to allocate the first song "This is me". The link to the meeting is below:

    Then began Sharon's task of allocating lines within "This is me" to different countries. 

    The spreadsheet showing allocation can be found below.

    HOTW January 2019 This Is Me.xlsx

    The video of This Is Me which is signed by Singing Hands.