Products of my imagination - Romania


    15 students from our school, coordinated by Ionela Ene (teacher) and Daniela Dorcu (librarian) prepared an interesting performance, entitled "Tara lui Gufi" (Gufi's World). This performance was prepared to be presented during a contest, entitled "Hai la teatru" (Let's go to theater!), organized by a local theater (Teatrul Luceafarul). The performance was planned to be presented to the public between 23-24.03.2020, but due to the lockdown, this was not possible. However, despite the difficulties, this performance won an online price, due to its powerful message.

    What was the message? Gufi was a dictator that wanted to keep all the people in the darkness. He forced everyone to be blind. He persuaded the others that his intentions are good as he wanted to help them to stay away from disillusion and that was why it was better for them to be blind.

    Thank you Romanian team for the hard work!