Thematic month 1 2020 - Volunteering

  • I have done something good. Tell us your example.

    Volunteers for the school's library (Iasi, Romania)

    Romanian students chose to be volunteers for 1 week and to help the school’s library! They collected 601 new books between the 3rd and 7th of February. The students from the Second Grade collected the biggest number of books (117 books) and they will receive a delicious cake to share. It was a great experience for all!

    Volunteering experiences - Colegio Monte-Sión (Torrent, Spain)

    Our students were splitted in groups and each group designed a volunteering action plan. They have worked with different target groups as:
    -Old people
    -Kindergarden children
    -Primary school kids
    -Handicaped and Spetial needs students
    -Children with economical and social difficulties.

    Each group will add on this page their impressions, description and video gallery of their experience.

    Spanish Team


    Torrepinos school is a centre of especial education needs and its students are from 3 years to 21 years old. Because of their spetial needs, they study in this centre. All the teachers are very proffesional and adapt their activities to the needs of the students.
    We visited the center two days.
    The first day, we organised a manuality to make a mouse with recycled material and after we made a dance and they were very happy.
    The second day, the students we worked with had different physical capacities and we did a football macht after a mymic play and we repeated the dance because the previous day the children enjoyed it a lot.


    Our emotional volunteering: visiting the Picanya day center and sharing moments with the elderly.
    We did a book of their memories and important moments. At first, we didn't know how their reaction would be: were they going to open to us? All went smoothly, we listened to them and took notes of everything. It was a great experience!!! Seeing their smile when we entered the door was one of the most gratifying emotions we felt.
    We admire their way of seeing life and their happyness. We couldn’t imagine that this volunteering would make us reflect so much.
    We wanted to thank Geles’ and the staff for the great job they do.
    Thank you very much to all the elders for helping us to see life with others eyes, enjoy every moment and never lose our smile. We will always carry this volunteering and the elderly in our hearts.

    Forest kindergarten in Karojba

    We visited the kindergarten in our community. Our pupils were reading stories about nature and played some games with the kids. Kids from the kindergarten are going to be first graders next school year in our school so we wanted to meet them and spend some time with them. They got stories from us but they also gave something to us. We discovered their „forest room“ behind the kindergarten. We spent some time in the woods and let the sounds and wind ignite our imagination… It felt good giving our time to the children. We had a good time and we are coming back for sure.

    Colegio Monte-Sión (Spain) - Volunteering in the Amigonianos Foudation

    •We did he volunteering in Amigó Foundation.

    •The Montesión Youth Center helps children in neighborhoods near the center with some type of economic, social or academic needs.
    •We did activities with childs of different ages. We danced a lot and did sports and have a fun time helping them to be happy. It changed our view of volunteering activities and for sure we will repeat in the future!!!!

    Colegio Monte Sión

    Recicling for a better world

    Our volunteering consisted of going to the second year of our Primary school (7-8 years old) and explaining how to take care and clean our planet following the "three R rule"(recycle reduce and reuse) To do this we did a talk about the consequences of the climate change, how to repair what is happening and how to use the "three R rule". After the speak we played with the kids. The games were about the recycling.

    In conclusion my group thinks that It was a really good experience and if some day we be able to repeat we will do it without problems.

    Volunteering in ITALY - IISS L. Calamatta - Civitavecchia

    This year, as the other years, the students of our school participated in an awareness meeting for blood donation with the association AVIS (Italian Blood Volunteers Association).
    The activity took place at our institute, the students followed with interest the information seminar and some of them decided to offer themselves as donors.

    Volunteering in ITALY - IISS L. Calamatta - Civitavecchia PLASTIC FREE CLASS

    Our students undertake the initiative to give a concrete signal to protect the ecosystem, so becoming the first class of the "Plastic Free Institute". These are the students of the class who took the cue from the annual survey of Legambiente, Beach Litter 2019, which analyzes the Italian phenomenon of pollution of beaches and turns the spotlight on incorrect upstream waste management (the main cause of the high and dramatic presence of waste at sea); the class has activated a series of awareness-raising actions on the problem.
    They organized groups to clean the seafront of Civitavecchia, and neighboring places, collecting a lot of plastic that they recycled. Even in the classroom, therefore, they decided to maintain an uncompromising attitude on the use of plastic, all equipped with aluminum bottles that have cut down the daily consumption of plastic as well as increase the cleanliness and order of the classroom.

    A charity in the Bulgarian school

    Bulgarian students, teachers and parents decided to support the Bulgarian Red Cross. At Easter we gathered for charity 305 BG leva and donated for old and ill people. Parents made some different sweets and interesting suvenirs. The students sold them and helped the Bulgarian Red Cross.