ICT in Croatia

  • ICT in the Croatian classroom -

    distance teaching in the time of COVID-19

    Teachers in Croatian school have been using online tools for making fun and collaboration tasks for students for several years. However, during the spring of 2020 all the world has faced an extraordinary situation. The COVID-19 pandemics has turned our schools into virtual classrooms and all our digital and teaching skills have been put on a test.

    During the distance schooling we are using Edmodo and Yammer. The students are familiar with Edmodo (we have been using it for some time for communicating) but they had no difficulty with Yammer, either.


    Many creative tasks are being made for the purposes of online lessons. Sharing with you an Escape Room. Try it out.

    Students are using their smartphones for creative tasks.

    Here is Viktorija from grade 6, making pancakes for homework and creating a videorecipe.