Curricular integration

  • Integration

    Curricular integration with educational fields in Bulgarian preschool program

    Art - Development of imaging skills and creativity - drawing, application, gluing, creating a logo.
    Mathematics - grouping objects by one sign and counting, compares quantities.
    Social World - Introducing children to the culinary art of partners and intangible cultural heritage on the UNESCO list.
    Design and Technology - Creating Computer Skills - Vote for Logo and Vote After Cooking, Reproduces a Model with the Teacher.
    Bulgarian Language and Literature - development of speech in dialogue with other children and the teacher, has knowledge to individual characteristics of products and meals.
    Additional form of training - International day of cooking with parents and teachers, children's comments on the taste of different dishes.
    Music - Development of musical abilities through the musical play "Yong cooks"

    The project activities are integrated with all educational directions of the curriculum:

    Bulgarian language and literature- enriching the children's vocabulary with terms and names of foods and products. The works of fiction have developed the related children's speech.
    Mathematics - Children have the skills to orientate in the space and compare objects by color, apperance and shape.
    Social world - The children got acquainted with the cultures of other peoples and the work of the cook. They developed their communication skills with children and adults.
    Music- Listening and performance of songs on the topic: "Vegetables", "One potato" and musical games.
    Technologies - Developing teamwork skills and practical skills.
    Arts - Developing the fine motorcycle of the hand through coloring, cutting and application skills.

    Croatian integration

    We have integrate this project with our regular program in school.

    Health - We have continue to work on healthy food. Food pyramid.

    Cooperation with parents - Each family has bring his favorite healthy recipe and we have created restaurant menu.

    Math - each item has a price and we made paper money.

    ICT - we have adopted picture book "The very hungry caterpillar" and made stop-motion movie.

    English - children has learn the story in english and we have recorded and add voices.

    Art - children has made art scenography for the recording the movie.