Croatian Olympic Day

  • We started this school year in the spirit of Olympism by celebrating the Croatian Olympic Day. We traditionally started the sporting event by lighting and carrying the torch with the sounds of the Olympic anthem. At the very beginning, we hosted our excellent chess player Noemi Špiranec, who is among the top 10 chess players in Croatia and who, through playing with our students, revealed some secrets from her past chess game.

    As before, we held our little Olympics in ancient tradition through the proverb "in a healthy body with a healthy spirit", which reminds us that we can improve and preserve our physical and mental health through physical exercise.

    The Olympiad itself began with the play and dance of students from grades 1-4. The continuation of the program followed with the 5th-grade students who gently showed us some old and forgotten games that their parents in earlier years had fun with. Sixth-grade students tried their hand at the relay competition, and the winner was crowned with an ivy wedding dress.

    As mentioned earlier, the spirit of Olympism seeks to combine the qualities of the body, the will, and the mind. How we can compete in sports and in knowledge was shown to us by the 8th-grade students in the fast Olympic quiz, and we ended our friendship with a friendly game of "border guard" between the seventh-grade students and the school staff!

    We have all shown that we know, can and want to bring the spirit of Olympism into our daily lives, work, and fellowship!