Project meeting schedule

  • 2 years project -  6 countries - Total amount available 198.000€ 

    WARM UP ITALY end of september 2020
    MYSELF AND THE OTHERS PORTUGAL end of october 2020
    FOOD TURKEY january 2021
    NATURE  SPAIN  april 2021
    SPORT NORWAY last week of september 2021
    MUSIC BULGARIA december/january2022 
    ART AND ARCHITECTURE ITALY march/first of april 2022



    MEETINGS 4 days STAYING + 2 days TRAVEL

    4/5 kids in each meeting + 2/3 Teachers each meeting -  The coordinators always travel

    Globally, how many mobilities in the whole project? 

    7: 6 with kids and 1  without at the beginning of the project

    Meetings - 1st YEAR

    1st MEETING - ITALY - WARM UP MEETING - GETTING READY! 4 days + travel - teachers only

    2nd MEETING - BEAUTY OF MYSELF AND THE OTHERS -  4 days + travel with kids 

    3rd MEETING - BEAUTY OF FOOD - TURKEY - 4 days + travel  with kids 

    4th MEETING - BEAUTY OF NATURE -  SPAIN -  4 days + travel with kids 

    Meetings - 2nd YEAR


    5th MEETING - BEAUTY OF SPORT - NORWAY- 4 days + travel  with kids

    6th MEETING - BEAUTY OF MUSIC - BULGARIA 4 days + travel  with kids

    7th MEETING - BEAUTY OF ART & ARCHITECTURE - ITALY - 4 days + travel  with kids

    How many children each meeting?
    4/5 kids
    How to choose the children

    Motivational Application that takes into account  level of authonomy - good behaviour - good marks -special needs...